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  • Writer's pictureLisa Veteto

PERFECT Procrastination

If you struggle with Perfection, the only way to feel good about to do so PERFECTLY. Am I right??

But when you take that statement and really break it apart - man, that has got to grieve whoever is waiting on you....Or you, if you are the one waiting on someone else. Procrastinating, as result of a fear of doing it imperfectly, typically would lead to perfect procrastination - Because someone that dedicated to their decision would be all in.

I know this, because I am a perfectionist in many ways, and also specialize in procrastinating until I feel I can deliver near perfection. Missing the mark. Letting someone down. Or delivering less than expected. NOT. AN. OPTION.

Let me give you an example of my own perfect procrastination, one I currently am struggling with. This past 8 months God has purposefully given me a message to write about - a book.

To write a book - how intimidating. It started as a series of thoughts - a blog maybe. Then I thought it may evolve into a series of Bible Studies - one in which there are many authors - a great way to spread the responsibility. This gradually evolved into specific topics, statements, verses, convictions. They were precise topics, many of which I feel very inadequate to relay to others. And gradually I placed the responsibility fully on my shoulders, and this weight led to avoidance. This inadequacy triggered my perfectionism and led to procrastination...PERFECT PROCRASTINATION.

You know, the funny thing is, God knows us. God knew in the moment He laid out His desire to have me write this book that my perfectionism would drive me to procrastinate...and yet - He digs His heels in. He is relentless when it is His plan, and we play a part.

In my #perfectprocrastination, God has pursued me with affirmation, book title, 8 chapter titles, scripture references to portray his message, life experiences to enlighten me...and yet here I am...still procrastinating.

Perfection in a skill is a challenge, but perfection in a calling is incomprehensible. How does one deliver perfection - when the one requesting [God] is the very definition of perfect. How does one with this incessant fault of perfectionism even start? faith... coupled with obedience. A simple yet heavy step.

What steps are lying in front of you? What measures are you taking to make them?

Someone once told me God is not concerned with the speed at which I obey, just that I am continually moving in the direction He is pointing. One step after another.

This form of procrastination can be paralyzing. When you focus on all the struggles and obstacles standing in front of you rather than the opportunity, one step proves to be impossible. But overcoming starts with a choice to step towards faith rather than towards fear.

"When perfectionism is driving us, shame is always riding shotgun and fear is the backseat driver." -Brené Brown

Biblical Example: Moses

Moses, a fleeing Israelite/Egyptian murderer, who chose to hide among foreigners to escape the Egyptians and consequences. God revealed Himself to Moses through a burning bush and communicated to Moses that He intended to use him to rescue the Israelites from Egypt.

Moses responded with "Who am I that I should go...?"

God furthered His intent by reminding Moses that God was with him and described in detail how God would use and empower Moses and give him success.

Moses responded with "They will not believe me or listen to me..."

So God equipped Moses with the ability to display God's power with turning his staff into a snake and afflicting his hand and then healing it.

Moses responded: "I am not eloquent [with my words]..."

God at this point reminded Moses that the fact that he can or can't speak is for the Lord to control, and He would provide the words.

Moses, overwhelmed and inadequate, asked, at this point, if God would "send someone else."

Moses was thinking of every way in which his flaws would hinder the result. There is no way the result would be perfect with someone as flawed as himself. And so, he procrastinated. But God intended to use Moses, and that was God's plan - so it would happen. Moses learned as he began to step, trusting God throughout the process, that He was called, God was present, and that he just had to be willing and obedient in order to be used. God will perfectly execute the objective. He just needs a willing and obedient person to use. (Exodus 2-4)

We can easily focus on the flaws and imperfections we carry, but God is asking us to set that aside and face the fact that God uses the bruised and broken. His will is not hindered by our flaws, only delayed by our disobedience. So embrace the truth proclaimed in Psalm 18:32 “It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect”

Perfection is not found in the flawed. No matter what we strive for or how we view our outcome - unless God is in it, and wills it, we cannot produce perfect results. In embracing our flaws, we see the strength provided, and the provision delivered. He does not ask us to take on something without the full intent to be present.

Whether you are called to write, speak, do, or be, GOD's presence will guide you, establish you and equip you. You need only be willing.

"God deliberately chooses imperfect vessels - those who have been wounded, those with physical or emotional limitations. Then He prepares them to serve and sends them out with their weakness still in evidence, so that His strength can be made perfect in that weakness." - Christine Caine

God's Promise: His Power & Strength.

Exodus 9:16 | Psalm 18:32 | Psalm 28:7 | Psalm 65:6 | Proverbs 14:4 | Isaiah 35:3-4 | Isaiah 40:29 | Isaiah 40:31 | Daniel 10:19 | Jeremiah 1:9 | Matthew 10:19 | 2 Corinthians 12:10 | Philipians 3:12 |

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