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Giving From Deficiency

Like many, I am notorious for driving on fumes. I have owned most of my cars for a number of years and I learn very quickly how many...

Walk Well

Gavin and I have done A LOT of walking this summer, particularly in areas he has to hold my hand. Those moms with [energetic] toddlers or...

Red Sea Road

Listening to Ellie Holcomb’s song, Red Sea Road this morning, I could not avoid thinking through one simple statement. The song's lyrics...

Nearsighted But Willing

Each year, at Christmas, our family has a tradition. We celebrate Christmas in all the fun ways with a kid (Santa, Snoopy - our Elf,...


Seeking Christmas. Amidst the chaos and bows, the decorations and the traditions...among all the things I love about this time of year, I...

Faithfulness as a struggle?

Yesterday I read and heard Beth McCord (@yourenneagramcoach) describe a word that is vital for my growth - as an enneagram #1. Beth...


To sit in or relive pain is often what we try to avoid. We will seek to fill our time with anything or - in some cases - everything that...

When "Well Done" is Incomplete.

I posted the picture above to share with you all a STRUGGLE of mine: Completion. A job left undone is like nails on a chalkboard for me....


My husband LOVES social media! (this will come as no shock to those who know my husband) I mean if need for evidence, he even documented...

What's in Your Cup?

My son started Kindergarten this week. He is really adorable isn't he? Besides a cry here and there I would say I have done "ok." BUT MAN...

Catch the Wave.

How often I fail to trust God; even as I cry out to Him for help. You know those times someone comes to you in need, pouring out their...

Sustained Not Rescued

When faced with trouble or pain – my first inclination is to pray for rescue! Look for an escape route. Find a solution. Change my...

"Dew"ly Noted

Are you waking this morning with a lackluster because of yesterday's stress? Are you awake to the day, but muted to the possibilities?...

Encouragement for the Weary

I’ve been tired many times in my life. Tired in many different ways - for many different reasons. But none the less - TIRED> Exhausted –...

To Be Loved.

I had a little trouble uploading blogs this week, but if you read Wednesday's blog, you are aware of this new journey I am on - seeking...

Searching for Storms.

Because I am inclined to compare everything to a form of water lately - Last year felt as if I were in the middle of the ocean during a...

Don't Miss It.

I am still stuck on Israel today, and to be honest - God has repetitively reminded me of the Israelites the past 7 months . So much to...

Celebrating Freedom

As I think about celebrating the 4th of July today, and our freedom, I think about all the places I could have been born, could be...

The struggle is real...

We work out, or say we are going to work out, for many different reasons: to tone, lose weight, to improve health, get stronger, heal,...

Blind Believer

I will eventually write out my story to explain more abut the experiences that led to the unfolding of the title: Blind Believer. But for...



My Journey to Authentic Faith

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